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Ceasefire Watermelon Stickers

$5.00 - $20.00

Show your solidarity and demand a permanent ceasefire.

As of December 1, 2023, more than 15,000 Palestinians including 6,150 children have been killed, with thousands more injured and missing under rubble. Join me and many others demanding a permanent ceasefire. Call your reps using 5calls. Join a protest, teach in, or action with Families for Ceasfire or AROC for my Bay Area friends. And, wear your solidarity with this sparkly holographic sticker.

Why a watermelon? In 1967, after the Six-Day War where Israel seized control of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem (the Naksa), the Israeli government made public displays of the Palestinian flag a crime.

As a result, the watermelon emerged as a symbol of Palestine. The fruit bears the same colors of the Palestinian flag - red, black, white, and green.

Israel has since lifted the ban on the Palestinian flag (in 1993 as part of the Oslo Accords), but the watermelon continues to be a symbol of Palestinian solidarity.

Free shipping. All sticker sale proceeds will go to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund to provide urgent humanitarian care for Gaza’s children.

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